Service Professional FAQ's
About Angi Leads
Why should service professionals be confident that Angi Leads knows how to help their business?
How long has Angi Leads been doing this?
How Angi Leads Works
How do consumers use the Angi Leads site?
How does Angi Leads benefit consumers?
How much work can service professionals expect Angi Leads to generate?
How many leads can agents expect Angi Leads to generate?
Does Angi Leads follow up with the customer to check on a service professional's work?
Will Angi Leads cancel a service professional's member status upon receiving a customer complaint?
Will Angi Leads give service professionals feedback?
What happens if service professionals go on vacation?
Benefits of Joining
Can Angi Leads increase a service professional's profits?
How will Angi Leads generate the right customers for service professionals?
Cost of Joining
How much will it cost for me to be a member of the Angi Leads network?
What Angi Leads Expects of Service Professionals
Does Angi Leads require service professionals to conduct business in a certain way?
What does Angi Leads consider most important?
How do I create an invoice?
How do I check the status of an invoice?
How do I update invoice after sending?
An EasyPay customer paid me a different way, how do I update the EasyPay lead?
What is the processing rate for using EasyPay?
Other Questions
If you cannot find the answer to your question, please send us an e-mail at customerservice@Angi
< BackAbout Angi Leads
Why should service professionals be confident that Angi Leads knows how to help their business?
We've compiled project information from many industry-recognized sources so that we
provide you with the right information about the job. We have grown by merging with
existing local companies across the country, so Angi Leads is built upon a reliable
network of service professionals with a track record. These companies give us a
base of experience stretching back as far as 1980.
How long has Angi Leads been doing this?
Angi Leads was founded in December 1998, although our acquired local companies give
us experience dating back 20 years.
How Angi Leads Works
How do consumers use the Angi Leads site?
The entire process is intuitive for customers, takes mere minutes, and
virtually hassle-free. In order to quickly find the best local service
professionals, customers submit a brief description of their service
needs using the Angi Leads interview on the Web site. The completed
service profile provides customers with prompt access to a wealth of
information about their projects (such as the scope of the project,
type of materials required, and helpful hints on how to work with a
service professional). Angi Leads then uses the completed
service profile to connect customers with multiple Angi Leads
service professionals that can best complete their
How does Angi Leads benefit consumers?
Angi Leads finds, matches, qualifies and connects customers with current
service needs with the right local service professional for the job.
Angi Leads customers will benefit in many ways:
- They can find service professionals for over 450 types of work
- They learn valuable facts about their project as they create the service request
- They have access to expert advice in the Angi Leads Web site communities
- They find reputable, reliable service professionals whom they can trust
- They choose between the service professionals based on a wide variety of background information, including neighbor-provided ratings and reviews and the company's Web site.
How much work can service professionals expect Angi Leads to generate?
We make no guarantee. As soon as a consumer submits a Service Request that
matches your work preferences, we'll contact you. You can receive more leads by
broadening your work preferences. You can also increase your chances at winning
jobs by consistently doing quality work so your customer Ratings and Reviews will be
How many leads can agents expect Angi Leads to generate?
We make no guarantee. As soon as a consumer submits a request
that matches your preferences, we'll contact you.
You can also increase your chances at winning business
by consistently providing quality services so your customer
Ratings and Reviews will be superior.
Does Angi Leads follow up with the customer to check on a service professional's work?
Yes. We always follow up after we refer you. We will ask the customer if they received their
estimate in a reasonable amount of time, if they are happy with your work, prices, cleanliness,
and professionalism. This information will be presented to customers so that you can distinguish
your business from others on our Web site.
Yes. We always follow up after we refer you. We will
ask the customer if they are happy with your service, prices,
and professionalism. This information will be presented
to customers so that you can distinguish
your business from others on our Web site.
Will Angi Leads cancel a service professional's member status upon receiving a customer complaint?
No. We recognize that there are two sides to every story. However, when we receive
negative customer feedback, we will contact you. We want to provide you with the
opportunity to satisfy your customers, even when you may not realize the customer
had a complaint. Angi Leads considers every element of constructive customer feedback
valuable as we collectively strive to deliver outstanding customer service.
Will Angi Leads give service professionals feedback?
You can review your customer ratings at any time.
What happens if service professionals go on vacation?
You can turn Angi Leads's service on or off at any time by adjusting your profile. You can
set our matching engine to turn back on at a specified date in the future.
Benefits of Joining
Can Angi Leads increase a service professional's profits?
Absolutely. You won't have to waste your time with customers who just window-shop.
Angi Leads allows you to spend your time with the right "ready-to-buy" customers.
We do our best to fully educate customers about the scope, cost, and timing of their
projects. Then we'll match them with you, based on your preferences for job type and
Absolutely. You won't have to waste your time with customers
who just window-shop. Angi Leads allows you to spend your
time with the right "ready-to-buy" customers. We do our
best to fully educate customers. Then we'll match them with
you, based on your preferences for job type and location.
How will Angi Leads generate the right customers for service professionals?
While you're on the job, Angi Leads is finding qualified customers for you. We spend millions
of dollars driving consumers to our Web site and educating them for you. We use the
power of the Internet to expand your word-of-mouth advertising and build a whole new
customer base for you.
Cost of Joining
How much will it cost for me to be a member of the Angi Leads network?
With Angi Leads, you specify the type of work you do and the geography you serve. Angi Leads provides you with new customer leads that match your requirements
and you pay a nominal fee for each lead you match to. Different sized jobs have different Lead Fees. For more details, or to join the Angi Leads
network call (877) 800-3177.
The Insurance Directory Service is offered at a low monthly subscription
fee. No back-end win fees or per lead charges.
What Angi Leads Expects of Service Professionals
Does Angi Leads require service professionals to conduct business in a certain way?
We expect you to conduct yourself in the same professional manner in which you treat all
of your customers. We expect you to represent your company and ours in the most professional way so that the
customer will call both of us back and refer us to others.
What does Angi Leads consider most important?
Communication is extremely important. We expect you to return all calls promptly.
We expect you to confirm with the customer that you fully understand what they are
asking you to do.
Be sure the customer understands delays such as back-ordered
materials or weather that can prolong the job.
Also, review your guarantees with the
customer before starting the job.
How do I create an invoice?
EasyPay invoices can be created by navigating to the Active Lead Pipeline. EasyPay Leads are marked with a blue
card icon. In the details section, click on create invoice.
Invoices can also be created navigating to EasyPay Invoices under Account. EasyPay Leads will appear at the top of the page
after the appointment date.
How do I check the status of an invoice?
Once you create an invoice, it will appear in EasyPay Invoices with its current status.
How do I update invoice after sending?
If you need to update the invoice amount after sending it to the consumer, navigate the Active Lead Pipeline and click on the EasyPay Lead for the invoice you need
to update. Click on View Invoices and then Edit and Resubmit Invoice. You can change the invoice amount, message, or attachments.
An EasyPay customer paid me a different way, how do I update the EasyPay lead?
If you accept payment from an EasyPay customer directly such as cash or check, you can update lead by clicking Mark Paid in EasyPay Invoices.
What is the processing rate for using EasyPay?
Credit card processing and convenience fees are a low 2.99% per transaction.
Funds will be disbursed to the account of your choice within 2 business days of the fund settlement.
Other Questions
If you cannot find the answer to your question, please send us an e-mail at