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Techniques to Get Ratings & Reviews
Paula, a ServiceMagic customer service representative, has a great story about generating...Read more about
When is the Right Time to Add to Your Staff?
The residential contracting industry is populated with "businesses" that consist of no more than a simple handful of people. In fact, in many instances, these companies are no... Read on
Calculating Labor Costs
If you�re not charging customers for all employee expenses, you�re losing money. Read more on

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Team Hiring - A Group Decision
I'm a remodeler in Northern California and do about $1.5 million per year in kitchens, baths, and whole-house remodels. Much of the work is subbed, so we can do this volume...Read more about
Success With Spanish-Speaking Employees
More and more of the communication on residential job sites these days is taking place in Spanish. On balance, that's good news: It means that the industry's chronic labor...Read more about
Keeping a Lid on Workers' Comp Costs
Every year, a notice comes in the mail from our insurance carrier informing us that we're due for an audit of our workers' compensation exposure. If you've been through one of...Read more about
Implied Contracts within an Employee Handbook or Policy Manual
As an employer you need to be careful about what you promise your employees so you don't get trapped into a contract you don't intend. Learn how to protect yourself with these tips. Read More on
¿Habla Español?
The ability to communicate in Spanish could become your most valuable job-site tool. Read more on
Three Ways to Keep Good Help
We all know the old saying, "Good help is hard to find," but keeping top-notch employees can be even harder. Offers from competitors, the thought of going into business for themselves...Read about the
Providing Employee Benefits
It takes time, effort, and money to set up an employee benefits program. A new company might not be able to afford to offer benefits, but an...Learn more on
How to Improve Your Employees
To get the most out of your employees, you should make employee training an absolute must for your business. To get them off on the right foot, consider these important points...Learn how to
Avoid Hiring Mistakes
As a business owner you have to understand and stay updated on employment law issues. You don't have to become an expert, but you'll be better off if you can get a...Learn more about
Our Center for Your Employees is a place we have designed to help you to be able to manage your employees. Running a business is more than just the trade, more than closing the deal, more than paperwork, it's also about people. And to be able to effectively manage your employees, you might need a little help from time to time. That's what we're here for. From forms to good advice on managing difficult employees to bridging the language gap, we have it all here for you.